Loan Request

Thank you for your interest in borrowing a title from our collection. Please complete the following request form. On receiving your information, a member of staff will get back to you as soon as possible.
  • 35mm prints must be screened on multi projector (changeover) systems
  • Prints must not be shown on platter projection systems
  • Combining of reels is not permitted
  • Scribed cue marks are not permitted
  • Removal of leader, credits is not permitted
  • Borrower assumes full financial responsibility for the replacement or repair of damaged, lost, or stolen loan prints
  • Films must be handled and projected by trained projectionists/film handing experts at all times
  • Fee determined based on information provided.
  • Borrower is responsible for all shipping to and from screening location.
  • Borrower is responsible for providing insurance for the period the title is on loan.

Request a Film